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What is Deaf Culture ?
Deaf Culture results from a group of people coming together to form a
community around shared experience, common interests, shared norms
of behavior, and shared survival techniques. Such groups as the
deaf, seek each other out for social interaction and emotional support.
The essential link to Deaf Culture among the American deaf community
is American Sign Language. This community shares a common sense
of pride in their Culture and language. There exists a rich heritage
and pride in the ability to overcome adversity as individuals and
as a group.
Mastery of ASL and skillful storytelling are
highly valued in Deaf Culture. Through ASL Literature, one generation
passes on to the next its wisdom, values, and its pride and thus
reinforces the bonds that unite the younger generation.
Another feature of this Culture is the role of marriage. It is estimated
that 9 out of 10 members of the American Deaf community marry other
members of their cultural group. Many D/deaf couples also wish for
a deaf child so that they may pass on their heritage and Culture,
it is not just the language but the values, the same values that
hearing parents want to instill in their children.
The deaf community with its own language and
Culture, there is a cultural frame in which to be deaf is not to
be disabled. Quite the contrary, it is as we have seen an asset
in Deaf Culture to be deaf in behavior, values, knowledge, and fluency
in ASL. Deafness is not a disability but rather a different way
of being. However, it must be noted that not all members of the
deaf community share the same values of those deaf who support Deaf
Although a deaf person may sign, that alone does
not mean they follow Deaf Culture or the beliefs of that Culture,
remember that Deaf Culture is an identity. Each D/deaf individual
is unique and opinions may differ. This may be due to; setting of
education, language, whether their parents were deaf or hearing
and if they signed or not, which language the deaf person uses and
so forth. There are many Hard of Hearing individuals who prefer
Deaf Culture over Hearing Culture and Vice-Versa.
There are different levels of self-pride when
it comes to Deaf Culture and how strong a person supports that Culture.
Some members do not like Hard of Hearing or hearing people, where
other members of Deaf Culture are accepting. It is important for
you to know ALL aspects of deafness, Culture and so forth. I feel
it is important for anyone who is learning ASL to have a full understanding
of Deaf Culture, deafness in its pathological view.
MEJ provides Deaf Culture Awareness and Basic Sign Language Workshops. These Workshops were developed to increase an organizations Awareness of Deaf Culture and it's ability to communicate with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers served .